3mg thru 36mg Quick view Chocolate Nixotine (Flavored Nixodine) Nixotine Flavor: Tantalizingly sweet, rich and extra creamy chocolate.
3mg thru 36mg Quick view Strawberry Malt Nixotine (Flavored Nixodine) Nixotine Flavor: Strawberry malt.
3mg thru 36mg Quick view Bittersweet Chocolate Nixotine (Flavored Nixodine) Nixotine Flavor: Bittersweet Chocolate is a lightly sweetened chocolate
3mg thru 36mg Quick view Chocolate Hazelnut Nixotine (Flavored Nixodine) Nixotine Flavor: An awesome blend of chocolate and hazelnut flavors. Designed to provide a balanced between the sweetness of the chocolate and the nutty goodness of hazelnuts.